1. What is your must have gadget?
My Epic (smart phone) for sure!!! I can do anything from it, especially stay in touch with my favorite Soldier! I love that i can email, text, call, search, navigate you name it right from my hand! It's AWESOME for having a kid too, because if were bored and want to get out and do something, i can quickly search the closest kid activies! LOVE!
2. How does your adulthood compare to what you imagined it would be like when you were a little kid?
I'm one of those girls that never had a "dream wedding" planned, or had my idea the knight in shining armor...I have always taken things as they come, and just kinda delt with it. Kinda funny now that I think about it because that's what happens when your a military wife!!
3. What is your favorite chocolate recipe?
This chocolate pie recipe i've got..it's basically chocolate pudding, and whip cream, and it's AMAZING.
4. How do you deal with military life when it gets to be too much or too hard?
There's no one surefire way of dealing with "The Military Life". You kinda just gotta find what works for you, and your family. I lucked out and found one of my best friends at our first duty station, and even though they have moved on and are in the Reserves now, I can call her for anything. Weather i'm spazing out because he hasn't called, or i'm over reacting over something stupid, i know that she's there to set me straight. I would def say that finding that 1 friend can help alot!
5. What piece of advice would you give a new military spouse facing their first deployment?
Don't give up, deployments aren't forever.
You know that everyone say's "If you can make it through a deployment, you can make it through anything"...I happen to be a believer in that one. We have been seperated a total of 24 months due to deployment alone. (big debbie down moment.)
As many tough, horrible, lonely days as you're going to have, DON'T GIVE UP. There is an end in sight, maybe not the so close future, but there is one.