Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rough times

Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

I can't honestly write a letter to any specific band...i've had some tough ass days that's for sure but there are a lot of songs that have helped me realize a lot of things or even figure out certain issues...


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catching up

I really wanted to do the thing i posted a few days ago. Life has been crazier then i thought. My baby girl has Bronchitis and she has been under the weather big time...i've been so busy Christmas shopping i've barley had time to sleep!

So where we go: all the post in one to catch up!

Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

My friend Sarah that i pretty much grew up with....That's the one! We were inseprable after 5th grade. Always hung out, always had sleep overs! We always had so much fun! After we got to high school, we kind of just parted ways...different towns, different friends I suppose. When i was a senior in high school I met Chad, and she had been dating her now soon to be husband in about a week i think...time just wasn't right, and we never really spoke much. I wish that we were still close that's for sure...but I hope within time we will find our way back to eachother! She's getting married this week, i'm SO excited for her!

Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Hmm...Some friends from high school I think. There are a certain few, which I won't name any names that were in my past and just need to stay there. There are certain one's I don't want or need in my future due to their current lifestyle...I need to learn to care more about my feelings then hurting someone elses.

Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

My eyes or my smile for sure. I have always noticed someones eyes or smile the first time you meet them! First impressions are everything. Good teeth make me happy, and i loveee pretty eyes! haha! I fell in LOVE with Chad's eyes the first time I met him...(Corny i know, but it's true...they are SO blue!) and i'm lucky that my daughter takes after his eyes for sure!!

Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.

I don't ever real get compliments on my personality. Weird to say that but I mean i never compliment anyone their personality, but still haha.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A big...(fill in the blank)

Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

I know there has been plenty of ppl who have made my life hell, but i rather not fill this one out...for my own reasons!!

All because of YOU!

Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for.

I would have to say my mom. She had a stroke when I was 9. The doctors told her that she was never going to walk, drive, talk or do anything on her own again. Boy oh boy did she prove them wrong. She learned to drive with her left foot, do everything including write with her left hand! She is the strongest most independent one hander i know =)
I remember when she was in the hospital and i would do or say something I shouldn't have, instead of yelling at me she would throw a pillow at me and nail me everytime. When she started to talk again, she didnt know many words but she knew ALOT of cuss words. And did I ever get cussed out haha. When she started to walk, she used a cane and she nailed me with it everytime I did something bad. Regardless of her situation she never failed on being a mother to me and my brother and she always gave me something to look up too.
To this day she is still amazing in my eyes. I'm sure that I will be thinking that till I die just because of how amazed I am of the willingness to learn and how eager she was to start her new life. She is AMAZING with my daughter and with her other Granddaugher as well!! She never fails to amaze me =)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dont wanna...

Day 6: Something i hope i wont ever have to do.

I hope that I won't ever have to go through another deployment. 2 is enough. By the end of this one, we would have 27 months of deployment to Iraq under us. That's MORE then enough for me. I don't know if i could mentally and physically handle another deployment. This one has took it's toll on me and were only 5 months in.

In other news- Not much as been going on around my neck of the woods...just hanging out enjoying the holidays the best i can with my hubs being gone in all. Tonight Aubree let me rock her to sleep for the first time since she was probably about 3 months. She hated when i rocked her and the only time she would let me is if she was SUPER tired or had a belly ache. Tonight, she was overly tired because the lack of a nap during the we rocked and watching "Horton hears a who" It was a cute movie, and hopefully soon I'll be able to actually watch the whole thing. It's late and I should be asleep...but I'm browsing the internet for pointless items.....

Oh the life of a lonley Army Wife....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hopes and dreams..

Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life...

I want to have 2 kids! I know it seems kinda lame to have that has a hope to do in my life, but I know that Children are a BLESSING and I would be Blessed to have another baby one day. We had no problem concieving the first one, I hope it is that easy for the second one. I've heard alot of things about having Mirena, and one of the side effects was that you could have a hard time concieving afterwards. Well I had it done about a year ago, and so I hope that it hasn't jeprodized anything for the future!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Forgiving God.

Day 4: Someone you need to forgive.

This is going to sound maybe a little crazy, so bare with me a little.
I think that it's time to forgive God. My father passed away when I was 6, my mother had a stroke when I was 9, my Grandmother died when I was 11 or 12, and just recently my Grandfather passed away when I was 21.
Don't get me wrong, I have always believed in God and will always, I have just been angry for sometime.
I feel like all this crap happened all at one time to me and I was never given a chance...I know that God has a plan and everything happens for a reason, I just wasn't okay with the cards i was dealt...ya know?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time to Forgive.

Day 3: Something you need to forgive yourself for

Wow...this one's tough. I guess you never really think about these things until your asked...Well here it goes.

I need to forgive myself for never being close to my family when i was younger. I never really talked to any of them until I started to date Chad and until I became pregnant. I think it's because I was so wrapped up in Chad and the Army life that I just pushed everything to the side. Little did I know that they were going to be my biggest chain of support forever.
They have been amazing to me ever since Chad and I got married, especially with him being deployed at the time. They have been there for me for everything and I always felt bad about never being there for them, or trying to reach out to someone. Maybe it's because im 22 and have a family of my own that i'm realizing these things, but it's time that i forgave myself for my past, and be happy about my future...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I love..ME!

Day 2: Something you love about yourself

I love that I am such an outgoing person! I love to meet new people, and to try new things! I used to be shy and reserved until I met my husband and had no choice but to open up, and quick!
Being so outgoing has really helped me make alot of the friends I have to this day! Being an Army Wife, there are people from across the world that become your best friends
and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Besides that- Todays adventures! SANTA!

Aubree didn't cry or freak out at all, but she was very timid and wasn't to sure what to think of him. She was cute though. I hope that we got a cute picture out of it.
I then went to a Scentsyand Thirty-One party!

I didn't buy anything yet, but i have a feeling there will be some orders in the near future!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 1

Day 1- Something I hate about myself-

This one wasn't to tough to figure out. I hate that I set goals up for myself, and then I never finish them! For example- loose all the baby weight from Aubree...still hasn't happend. I thought by getting a gym membership that would help. Who was I kidding?
Don't get me wrong, I am happy with myself and where I want to be, but loosing this extra 10 pounds would be nice ;)

I think my new year's resolution is going to be to shed these extra 10 pounds, and then some by the time my hubby comes home!

30 Days

I got this idea from My Friend's Blog...

It's called 30 days of Me and it goes something like this..

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.

Day 2: Something you love about yourself.

Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for.

Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life.

Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do.

Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.

Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Day 14: A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Day 15: Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

Day 16: Someone or something you definitely could live without.

Day 17: A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.

Day 18: Your views on gay marriage.

Day 19: What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

Day 20: Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Day 21: (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

Day 22: Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life.

Day 24: Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)

Day 25: The reason you believe you’re still alive today.

Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

Day 27: What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Day 28: What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?

Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.

Day 30: A letter to yourself: tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself. 
I hope that I can do this!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hello Missouri!!

It's been a while since I have posted anything...I've been so busy latley!! It seems like im ALWAYS on the go, which is good, it helps pass time! Chad has almost been gone for 5 months! That means 6 more months!

Well yesterday Aubree and I got in the car and headed to Camdenton, Missouri! It's FREEZING here! But so beautiful. We came to visit some of our friends that was at Fort Hood with us! The Dircks! Today we went to this local BBQ place called Bandanas. It was so good, but nothing compares to Texas BBQ!

Tomorrow we are headed to the outlet malls, hopefully do some Christmas damage.

Oh- On the way to Missouri, my car decided to be a pain in the ass. We got about half way here, stopped to get Aubree some milk and juice and my car woulnd't start! And when it finally did, it said to check my engine soon. GREAT. Just what i needed on a roadtrip. So today we took the battery to walmart to get it tested...battery is okay, so we cleaned the terminals and hopefully tomorrow when we put the battery back in it works! If not I hope that it isn't anything major! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's the Holidays ALREADY?

 I'm pretty sure that i've been sleeping most of the year away apparently...I cannot beleive that on Thursday it is Thanksgiving! Where has the time gone?

I remember this time last year we came to Dallas for a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families and John Waits! Aubree was only 1 month old! 
This year- were all in different places! Aubree and I are celebrating in Dallas, Chad is celebrating(i hope) in Iraq and John Waits is in SoDak!

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving 2009!

That's our 4 generations picture!! I'll be sure to get another this year!

This Thursdays we are going to my Aunt Mary's with my family, it should be good times! Wish that my husband was here to spend it with us, and i'm hoping that i'll be able to hold strong the whole day =)

Also, my friend Sarah and I are going black friday shopping =x
We are going to Khols, they are having great deals! Wish us luck!

In the next week i'll be headed to Kansas City to see my friends Cindy and Dustin and their boys Alex, Amery and Dawson! Can't wait!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Needing a little pick-me-up!

Well ever since Chad left, I have been down in the dumps!
Nothing seems appealing to me, I hate getting up to do things, I'm just plain lonely. I know I have Aubree to keep me so busy and always on my feet, but I just miss him being here with us.

But, I'm trying to stay strong...I know I can do this, i've done 15 months before!

I just need this time right now to get my life back together, temporailly.

Other then that, Chad called today from Ramadi (where he is in iraq) which made me so happy!! Glad to know he's back with his friends, where he can be at least happy for the moment! =)

Today I went shopping with my friend Carolyn...she's my nieces mother!
We had lots of fun, got lots of cute things and did some major damage at the mall!

Also- nothing makes me more upset then when i go to change my daughter's diaper and the girl who is using the changing table is taking FOREVER! This lady seriously took her sweet time, completely changing her son's outfit, and in between putting on the new outfit, she decided it was a perfect time for a full body wipe down. (She used her wipes for a quick bath)
After about 5 minutes of waiting in line i walked off. I was pissed.
Not only could you have changed his clothes while he was in his stroller, but there was a line behind you! GRRR! people!

Well hopefully tomorrow i'll be feeling better about the hubby being gone...maybe i'll get to see his beautiful face tonight on skype =D

Were almost one week down that he's been gone! woo!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another Goodbye...

Well yesterday was another one of the worst day's of my life.
We had to say goodbye again.

I swear, it seems like everytime I get my head back on straight, there's another goodbye or hello.

This was the 4th one in 4 years, not including all the goodbye's during field time.

I'm ready for a break!

We did have a great time while he was home though, that's for sure!! We did a lot of fun stuff, nothing to crazy but we had a bunch of good quality family time, which is what we needed.

I did pass my RDA state board while he was home, which was a huge accomplishment that i'm glad we could share together!!

Now, the job hunt is on....hmm...

Anyways- i miss my husband so much...I know he only left yesterday but i miss him already. I was so used to him being here and now he's gone again...for along least 6 months! That's a long time from now!! On December 8th, it will be 5 months that he is gone! The first 4 1/2 months have gone by quick, let's just hope the rest of it can go by quick too!! We have the holidays coming up, Thanksgiving next week, then Christmas and New years...along with tons of other little things in between im sure. I think once i start working, it will fly by!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

a little fun before dinner

1. What are your middle names?

Mine- Marie
His- Michael

2. How long have you been together?

Since April of 07.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?

few days

4. Who asked who out?

He asked me
5. How old are each of you?

Were both 22

6. Did you go to the same school?

7. Are you from the same home town?

15 minutes away from eachother

8. Who is the smartest?

hmmmm idk...

9. Who majored in what?

No college for me- RDA here...
Him- Calvary Scout =D
10. Who is the most sensitive?

me for sure

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?


12. Who has the worst temper?


13. How many children do you want?

we have 1, but we want 2

14. Who does the cooking?

i do

15. Who is more social?

him probably
16. Who is the neat freak?

him probably

17. Who is the most stubborn?
we are both

18. Who wakes up earlier?

i do for sure
19. Where was your first date?

Jalsicos =)

20. Who has the bigger family?

me probably

21. Do you get flowers often?

neverrrr lol. I think they are pointless
22.How do you spend the holidays?

with both familys

23. Who is more jealous?

me for sure

24. How long did it take to get serious?

not long!!

25. Who eats more?


26. What do you do for a living?
 I just became an RDA
He's a 19D
27. Who does the laundry?

28. Who’s better with the computer?

29. Who drives when you’re together?

usually him

30. What is your song?

Good Question.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Hubbs is HOME!

Not for good, but for 2 whole weeks! I know i haven't been posting, but i dont think I will be doing much since he is home...But he is napping right now, so i figured i would do a little catching up.

Halloween: We went trick-or-treating with my in-laws, and had lots of fun! Aubree didn't knock on many doors, but a few!

Then, Monday Morning, DADDY CAME HOME!!

Aubree didn't want to be held, considering she's a walker...she wanted down and to go!

We are so happy to have our hero home for the next 2 weeks!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A little face lift....

So i'm working on fixing my page...

so if it looks like complete crap, SORRY!

I'll be back to blogging once i get it all prettyfied

But on a lighter note

I'm finally getting my hair done today! I always feel so much better afterwards!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Aubree turns 1!

I cannot beleive that my baby girl turned 1 today!!

This past year has gone by faster then i ever imagined it could, and now i'm sitting here thinking about all the stuff that we have done over the past year!To much to list, but there has been so much great stuff. I'm so thankful and blessed for such an amazing husband and best friend. I couldn't have survived this last year without him by my side. I love you honey!

Well today, was a big day for little Aubree!

First we started out at Sunday School-

And then we went and got pedicures and Aubree got her finger nails painted!

After that, we headed to the pumpkin patch!

Then it was home and time for some cupcakes!

Happy birthday, baby girl. I love you so much and i'm so luck to have you call me mommy! I can't wait to see what the years to come hold!! We love you!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

The cutest little bug..

Yesterday I was SO Busy!! I thought that the day was never going to end.

Did i mention that this week has drug on forever it seems like?

Well, Yesterday I went to pick up Linzy from school...we got home, got a snack and she was off to Cheerleading practice!! She just joined a competitive cheer team...Lots of fun!!

Then, my Mother-In-Law did some "Spook Shoot" pictures of Aubree in her Halloween costume!
She's probably the cutest lady buy around, but then again that's just my opinion =)

After that, we headed to my niece's "Fall festival" at her school!

Also a few days ago my mother in law did a jersey day photo shoot..of course we stopped by =)

My baby girl will be 1 on Sunady! OMG! Also, her daddy will be home VERY VERY SOON! I can't tell you exactly when, but if you follow me on FB then you'll find out super soon!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Camera!

Well this post will be short, but sweet.

I got a new freakin' camera yesterday. And it was free =) Thank the lord they replaced mine! Well, it wasn't 100% free, i paid an extra 13 bucks to get a better, nicer Canon Camera! My mother in law says that we are "A Canon Family"..(Shes a photographer) so i'm sure she is proud.

I'll be sure to grace you all with some amazing pictures from my new awesome camera later on!

Oh, and i still need to take Aubree to the Pumpkin Patch! Eeekk, time is running out!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I've been SO busy that catching up on here has been the least of my priorities.
School has been crazy, but needless to say, i can finally see the finish line.
4 more weeks! I just took my mid-term and did okay...not as good as i wanted, but i'm content.

Other then that, there has been way to much to catch up on, and no pictures to add...Geek Squad still has my camara! BOO!
The countdown to my hubby's R&R is offically started...i can count on 2 hands and 1 foot how many days until he is home!!! OPSEC(cant tell you the exact day)

but we have SO many fun things planned, and i am overly excited!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What else can go wrong?

I am missing my husband so bad. I haven't heard from him since last Thursday September 30th. We had a huge fight and my heart hurts. I just want to talk to him and talk it out. But i know that's not going to happen any time soon. This is the worst part of can't just get up and work things out, or get up and just forget it ever happend. i miss him and miss hearing his voice and him telling me he loves me every day... this stinks.

Also, last night my camara got ruined. SHOOT ME NOW. My Camara is my life. I love to take pictures of everything. I took it back up to Best Buy and had them look at it and they sent it off. 10-14 days until it returns. October 28th. bad news bears. Aubree's birthday party is October 24th. I pray that my camara is back by then.

So, this afternoon I didn't do a whole lot..i have this bad feeling Aubree is getting sick again. She is constantly whinning and when she got up from her nap this afternoon, she just wanted to cuddle with me...and that only happens if she's super sleepy or getting sick. Seeing as her nap was almost 3 hours, i don't think she was sleepy.She does have a molar coming in, and i've heard those are the worst. No good.

Tomorrow i have my first day of x-tern! I'm slighty nervous about it...i think it's because i've been learning all about this stuff for the past 7 weeks, and been practicing on my classmates...not actual patients. I'm scared. LOL! The girl i am doing it with says that she's going to show me the ropes, so to get there about 7:45 a.m. OUCH! She said i'll mainly be doing instruments and xrays. I know how to do regular xrays, not digital. This will be interesting.

Well, i need to go to bed, i have to be up early as hell.

Wish me luck!!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I LOVE to cook...

and once the hubbs get's home, i'm going to start planning a menu once a week...before grocery shopping. 9 times outta 10, i get to the grocery store and have no clue what's for dinner the next week or 2.
That's a no go.


Share some of your favorite recipies with me =)

The hubbs is pretty picky, but he can pick around whatever he doesn't want to eat! lol!!


Sunday, October 3, 2010

What on earth?

Where did all this beauitful weather come from?
It's gorgeous outside, and i'm not complaing!

Today was just the average Sunday. Started out with some sunday school this morning..I think my group of kid's are finally getting into the grove of things, and starting to enjoy class. We are getting them ready for their First Communion and things like that. I'm actually excited about it. I love kids, especailly the ones i don't have to take home =)

Afterwards, my mom met me for lunch at Logans! I LOVE Logans!! We went to Carters afterwards, i had a 20 percent off coupon and pretty much everything was on sale! I picked up her a few things to give her as a birthday present, as well as some other little things...and something for my friend's baby girl!!

Then, we went to Party City! We were getting things for Aubree's birthday! I couldn't be more excited!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

School, school, school..

Where has the time gone? I've already finished 6 weeks of school! OMG! That means, 6 weeks left. 5 till my finals, and 6 until I take my boards....i feel like i'm slowly but surly getting ready for them! I understand the things were learning, and understand how to do's just the answering the question part that's hard...I always freeze up on tests! Let's just hope these i wont!

Anyways- Today i had class, and we did impressions (that nasty stuff they put in a tray to get a model of your teeth)...x-rays, which is no ones favorite and learned how to mix! lol!

I need to catch back up on my bow making..i've got a friend with a 3 month old baby girl, and a friend who's having a baby girl in March! My plan for the preggo one is to make a whole bunch of bows and give it to her as 1 of her shower gifts. ((Ssshhh Dont tell her)) lol! I'm sure she's reading this!

I've got a boatload of homework, and i think i'll get to it now!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Busy Tuesdays....

For some reason, i always feel SO busy on Tuesdays...

I have school on Tuesday night and i think that may be a lot of the reason...
I feel like i have so much to get done before class...strange.

Today, my mother and I went shopping for my birthday! We planned on it yesterday, but it didn't happen because once we got to the mall, i realized i forgot my stroller. Shoot me.
Any mother know's that's a big no-no with a kid who doesn't walk yet
Anyways- i went out to dinner with a few of my friends at Babes! Yummy! Aubree went to her Grandma's house, so it was the 1st quite meal i have had in a very long time. Normally my meals consist of eating SO fast i barley tasted the food, or it's cold. But this meal was heavenly. LOL!

I picked Aubree up at about 10:45, and she was pooped! Her Grandma and Aunt really wore her out! Thank goodness!

Today- I went shopping with my mom..and brought the stroller!
I got some new undies and a really pretty perfume from VS! I could spend millions of dollars in that place. I love it.

After- i took Aubree to the sitter, did a few things and went to school!

...Just another Tuesday. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm getting old.

I've realized that i'm not as young as i used to bed...hell in 15 minutes, i'll be 22...half way to 44...geeze.

I'm not looking forward to it needless to say, nothing special for me I suppose..I sure would enjoy my husband to be home to celebrate with me.

Latley i've been working on getting Aubree to bed a lot earlier then usual. She used to take 2, two hour naps a day which was amazing, because I could get a lot of stuff done during that time.
Now I'm lucky if i can get her to take 1 two hour nap....

She's to young for this right?
Speaking of, she turned 11 months on Friday. WooHoo! I cannot believe i'm on the countdown to having a 1 year old. I remember having a 1 day old...a 1 week old...a 1month old..but a 1 YEAR old...really??

Anywho- This weekend i had SO much fun with all my friends
Thursday- We went to EC...the local bar around here

Friday night-We went to Lewisville Western days and saw Kevin Fowler!

Saturday I had school all day, but that night we went back to western days and saw Cross Canadian Ragweed. They are one of my FAVORITE bands, and this was their last time in north Texas, so you bet your bottom i was there!!

We even found this cute ambulance.

AND we did an obstical course. I'm on the left, i dove right in that thing! lol!

Overall, I had a great weekend. Thanks to all my friends and family who made it possible. I Love you all!

Well for now- i'm taking my old self to bed. i've got 7 minutes until im 22.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Catching up..

I've been slacking on here latley..I know..

I've just been SO busy!! I feel like it's always School-Aubree-Sleep (sometimes)...repeat...I want just a day to myself sometime soon.
1 whole day to sleep, or do whatever i please.

Today, I got some AWESOME/Horrible news.

Horrible- Chad won't make it home for Christmas like we had been planning, which really sucks.

Good News- He will be home early January instead. I'll take whatever 14 days i'm given! Looks like our Vegas trip is going to be postponed a few weeks. Oh well.

There was also a bit of other good news in there, but i'm not sharing justttt yet.

Look forward to that in future post.

Well- It's 10 30 and i told my self, in bed asleep by 11. So i'm off to try and get some rest! Goodnight!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Debbie Downer alert.

I have really been missing Chad these past few days...I'm not sure why it's so strong latley either...
Maybe it's because were just about 3 months in and I feel like it's been a lifetime. I'm upset that I NEVER get to see my hubby on webcam, when a lot of my other friend's do. I am happy for them, but i just want to see my husband for a few minutes.
Phone calls do wonders, but it just puts me in a secure place seeing his face and knowing for myself that he's okay.

I miss you so much.

Monday is my 22nd birthday..nothing special, and honestly not really looking forward to it.

Aubree's 1st birthday is really soon too. October 24th! I cannot beleive I will have a 1 year old next month.

Where has the time gone?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who needs sleep?

Latley I feel like I haven't had ANY sleep. I feel like I'm running on luck and faith to get me through the day sometimes...

Last night- I layed in bed FOREVER before i finally passed out at a fabulous 12 30. Before long- Aubree was up, and in my bed at 2 30, due to an upset belly.

7 a.m rolled around WAY to quick and needless to say i wasn't in the mood to get out of bed..
I honestly think it's because i haven't been to the gym in almost 2 weeks. OMG! there goes my 30 pounds by Christmas goal. Crap.
Well, i mean it is still 100% do-able, but i need to start tomorrow.

I haven't been able to go because right before surgery i had so much going on with a sick baby that the last thing i was thinking about was going to the gym! And then i had surgery and that has put me out for about a week...but i think after this blog, i am off to bed, and am getting up early and hitting the gym..maybe i'll push it till the afternoon when there is a fun class going on?

Regardless, i am doing some sort of exercise tomorrow...I convinced my self that i'm going to work out in the AM and when it starts to cool down outside, i'm going to take Aubree for a mile long walk every single night. Which won't be hard- there is a CVS right down the road, and that will also help me keep up with my Daddy book...i'm ALWAYS there printing pictures!! So, now i can just walk, print my pictures and go home! Easy enough!

GOAL: Be smokin' hot for the hubbs when he comes home in December

I've lost a few pounds...about 10 since i've been back in TX...but not where i want to be...i'd LOVE to be back to pre-baby weight, but i know that's near impossible lol!

Till next time..

Cowboys and Cleaning and Mommy & Me...

Well, football season is back in full swing, and I love it!!
I am a HUGE football fan! I don't really follow every team, just the teams I like!...Like the Cowboys...I think I have the cutest Cowboys fan...

But that's just my opinion =)

A few weeks ago, my mother in law did some really cute Mommy-and-me portraits...they are super cute!

I think that were super cute haha...

Today, not a whole lot went on...took care of a few things and just hung out really...I had school tonight, so I did i'm just laying in bed, waiting to fall asleep...

The first few nights that Chad was deployed, i found it SO easy to fall asleep because i was adjusting to my new lifestyle, and had so much going it just seems like i get lonely at night and find it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. Which is horrible, considering i LOVE to sleep!! I know becoming a mommy i gave up all right to sleep, but I would really enjoy going to bed around 9 30 or 10 shortly after Aubree goes to bed. I need some rest!

Well, until next time...

Friday, September 10, 2010


Thursday morning I had surgery. Nothing major, just to remove a cyst.
I had 2 it in office, and i could feel and see everything they were doing, or do it in surgery and i would be asleep and not feel a thing..

I chose the 2nd one. Since my horrific expierence when i was in Labor, the last thing i wanted to do was see or feel anything that was involving needles.

Surgery went well, I had to be there at 7:30 A.M. and by the time it was all said and done, i was home by noon!

I really miss my husband and i wish that he was here during times like this, i could really use some help espcially with the baby. I just want to sleep and get the pain to go away but rest is not an option when you have a 10 month old crazy child!!

Well today, I wasn't up to a whole lot, just sort of hung out...Well, for now i'm off to finish homework, laundry and bathing and putting this baby to bed!!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh the memories..

Well, tonight i sat here thinking about how incredibly lucky i am to have such an amazing family.
And then i realized, holy crap my kid is about to be 1 years old. Where has the time gone?

So tonight, i leave you with just a few of my favorite pictures...

Sleep, clean, school....Where does it end?

Happy Tuesday! =)

Well, i LOVE rain!! I love waking up to rain, and i love thunderstorms. So, today has been great!

Yesterday, we went to lunch with my mom! We went to Applebees, YUMMY! One of my favorites for sure! After that, we didn't really do anything else. We came home and Aubree went down for a nap, and i layed out by the pool for a few hours...much needed that's for sure.

Aubree slept until about 6! Wow! She got up, ate some dinner, played for a few hours, and bed time at 9! She slept so good last night, and didn't wake up until about 8:30 this morning. Awesome for me!

Well today- we have a few things on our agenda-
1- mail daddy's care package
2- get mommy's eye brows done
3- pick up mommy's HS transcripts
4- School for mommy!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sick and tired...

I may not be the one who is sick, but my little bug is...
and it breaks my heart seeing her this way...

For the past 4 days or so, she has had a fever of about 102-103. I can't break it with tylenol or motrin.

It hurts me to see her in so much pain.

This afternoon was my breaking point...Her temp was still at 102, so I decided to take her in. I wanted to take her into the after hours acute child care, but they didn't take our insurance, so off to the emergency room it was.

We went to Baylor right behind my house, and man they had great service! I will for sure go back there for any future needs..
Once we got there, her temp had dropped to 100.1...go figure. But once they got us a room, it shot back up.
The Doc did a little exam, turns out my bug has an Ear infection in her left ear as well as an upper resporitry infection.

As soon as they said that i wanted to cry. Knowing there wasn't anything I could do to fix it. They also tested for Strep and flu, both came back negative.

So we hung out for a little bit,and Aubree even got a popsicle!

She only took a few bites, so mommy finished the rest =)

Well, Aubree is sleeping sound right now, so i think it's my turn for some rest. Untill next time...