Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A little face lift....

So i'm working on fixing my page...

so if it looks like complete crap, SORRY!

I'll be back to blogging once i get it all prettyfied

But on a lighter note

I'm finally getting my hair done today! I always feel so much better afterwards!


  1. Yay for a face-lift! I'm giving mine a face-lift too :)

    What are you doing to your hair? I want pictures when you're done!!!

  2. How did the cupcakes turn out?? Did you make the frosting too? That's the best part :)

  3. Yes i made them..The cupcakes: Good...The Frosting: Not so good. It was really runny for some reason

  4. Hmm that's wierd! I didnt put any milk in mine (the recipe calls for it if its too thick). Maybe that was it?
