Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hello Missouri!!

It's been a while since I have posted anything...I've been so busy latley!! It seems like im ALWAYS on the go, which is good, it helps pass time! Chad has almost been gone for 5 months! That means 6 more months!

Well yesterday Aubree and I got in the car and headed to Camdenton, Missouri! It's FREEZING here! But so beautiful. We came to visit some of our friends that was at Fort Hood with us! The Dircks! Today we went to this local BBQ place called Bandanas. It was so good, but nothing compares to Texas BBQ!

Tomorrow we are headed to the outlet malls, hopefully do some Christmas damage.

Oh- On the way to Missouri, my car decided to be a pain in the ass. We got about half way here, stopped to get Aubree some milk and juice and my car woulnd't start! And when it finally did, it said to check my engine soon. GREAT. Just what i needed on a roadtrip. So today we took the battery to walmart to get it tested...battery is okay, so we cleaned the terminals and hopefully tomorrow when we put the battery back in it works! If not I hope that it isn't anything major! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's the Holidays ALREADY?

 I'm pretty sure that i've been sleeping most of the year away apparently...I cannot beleive that on Thursday it is Thanksgiving! Where has the time gone?

I remember this time last year we came to Dallas for a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families and John Waits! Aubree was only 1 month old! 
This year- were all in different places! Aubree and I are celebrating in Dallas, Chad is celebrating(i hope) in Iraq and John Waits is in SoDak!

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving 2009!

That's our 4 generations picture!! I'll be sure to get another this year!

This Thursdays we are going to my Aunt Mary's with my family, it should be good times! Wish that my husband was here to spend it with us, and i'm hoping that i'll be able to hold strong the whole day =)

Also, my friend Sarah and I are going black friday shopping =x
We are going to Khols, they are having great deals! Wish us luck!

In the next week i'll be headed to Kansas City to see my friends Cindy and Dustin and their boys Alex, Amery and Dawson! Can't wait!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Needing a little pick-me-up!

Well ever since Chad left, I have been down in the dumps!
Nothing seems appealing to me, I hate getting up to do things, I'm just plain lonely. I know I have Aubree to keep me so busy and always on my feet, but I just miss him being here with us.

But, I'm trying to stay strong...I know I can do this, i've done 15 months before!

I just need this time right now to get my life back together, temporailly.

Other then that, Chad called today from Ramadi (where he is in iraq) which made me so happy!! Glad to know he's back with his friends, where he can be at least happy for the moment! =)

Today I went shopping with my friend Carolyn...she's my nieces mother!
We had lots of fun, got lots of cute things and did some major damage at the mall!

Also- nothing makes me more upset then when i go to change my daughter's diaper and the girl who is using the changing table is taking FOREVER! This lady seriously took her sweet time, completely changing her son's outfit, and in between putting on the new outfit, she decided it was a perfect time for a full body wipe down. (She used her wipes for a quick bath)
After about 5 minutes of waiting in line i walked off. I was pissed.
Not only could you have changed his clothes while he was in his stroller, but there was a line behind you! GRRR! people!

Well hopefully tomorrow i'll be feeling better about the hubby being gone...maybe i'll get to see his beautiful face tonight on skype =D

Were almost one week down that he's been gone! woo!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another Goodbye...

Well yesterday was another one of the worst day's of my life.
We had to say goodbye again.

I swear, it seems like everytime I get my head back on straight, there's another goodbye or hello.

This was the 4th one in 4 years, not including all the goodbye's during field time.

I'm ready for a break!

We did have a great time while he was home though, that's for sure!! We did a lot of fun stuff, nothing to crazy but we had a bunch of good quality family time, which is what we needed.

I did pass my RDA state board while he was home, which was a huge accomplishment that i'm glad we could share together!!

Now, the job hunt is on....hmm...

Anyways- i miss my husband so much...I know he only left yesterday but i miss him already. I was so used to him being here and now he's gone again...for along least 6 months! That's a long time from now!! On December 8th, it will be 5 months that he is gone! The first 4 1/2 months have gone by quick, let's just hope the rest of it can go by quick too!! We have the holidays coming up, Thanksgiving next week, then Christmas and New years...along with tons of other little things in between im sure. I think once i start working, it will fly by!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

a little fun before dinner

1. What are your middle names?

Mine- Marie
His- Michael

2. How long have you been together?

Since April of 07.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?

few days

4. Who asked who out?

He asked me
5. How old are each of you?

Were both 22

6. Did you go to the same school?

7. Are you from the same home town?

15 minutes away from eachother

8. Who is the smartest?

hmmmm idk...

9. Who majored in what?

No college for me- RDA here...
Him- Calvary Scout =D
10. Who is the most sensitive?

me for sure

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?


12. Who has the worst temper?


13. How many children do you want?

we have 1, but we want 2

14. Who does the cooking?

i do

15. Who is more social?

him probably
16. Who is the neat freak?

him probably

17. Who is the most stubborn?
we are both

18. Who wakes up earlier?

i do for sure
19. Where was your first date?

Jalsicos =)

20. Who has the bigger family?

me probably

21. Do you get flowers often?

neverrrr lol. I think they are pointless
22.How do you spend the holidays?

with both familys

23. Who is more jealous?

me for sure

24. How long did it take to get serious?

not long!!

25. Who eats more?


26. What do you do for a living?
 I just became an RDA
He's a 19D
27. Who does the laundry?

28. Who’s better with the computer?

29. Who drives when you’re together?

usually him

30. What is your song?

Good Question.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Hubbs is HOME!

Not for good, but for 2 whole weeks! I know i haven't been posting, but i dont think I will be doing much since he is home...But he is napping right now, so i figured i would do a little catching up.

Halloween: We went trick-or-treating with my in-laws, and had lots of fun! Aubree didn't knock on many doors, but a few!

Then, Monday Morning, DADDY CAME HOME!!

Aubree didn't want to be held, considering she's a walker...she wanted down and to go!

We are so happy to have our hero home for the next 2 weeks!!