Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catching up

I really wanted to do the thing i posted a few days ago. Life has been crazier then i thought. My baby girl has Bronchitis and she has been under the weather big time...i've been so busy Christmas shopping i've barley had time to sleep!

So where we go: all the post in one to catch up!

Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

My friend Sarah that i pretty much grew up with....That's the one! We were inseprable after 5th grade. Always hung out, always had sleep overs! We always had so much fun! After we got to high school, we kind of just parted ways...different towns, different friends I suppose. When i was a senior in high school I met Chad, and she had been dating her now soon to be husband in about a week i think...time just wasn't right, and we never really spoke much. I wish that we were still close that's for sure...but I hope within time we will find our way back to eachother! She's getting married this week, i'm SO excited for her!

Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Hmm...Some friends from high school I think. There are a certain few, which I won't name any names that were in my past and just need to stay there. There are certain one's I don't want or need in my future due to their current lifestyle...I need to learn to care more about my feelings then hurting someone elses.

Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

My eyes or my smile for sure. I have always noticed someones eyes or smile the first time you meet them! First impressions are everything. Good teeth make me happy, and i loveee pretty eyes! haha! I fell in LOVE with Chad's eyes the first time I met him...(Corny i know, but it's true...they are SO blue!) and i'm lucky that my daughter takes after his eyes for sure!!

Day 12: Something you never get compliments on.

I don't ever real get compliments on my personality. Weird to say that but I mean i never compliment anyone their personality, but still haha.

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